Nogle kølere eller CPU (Processor) er desværre ikke helt plan når de forlader fabrikken.
Det kan i mange tilfælde betyder man ikke opnår den bedste kontakt imellem f.eks. CPU og køleren, og derved får du ikke det bedste resultat.
Det er ikke kun minigaler vi taler om - der kan være rigtig mange graders forskel på om begge overflader er helt plan, eller bare den ene er lidt skæv.
Her de Intels Core2Duo og Core2Quadro CPU'er specielt slemme og er kendt for at være meget konkav.
Premium kittet indeholder 9 ark sandpapir.
Hvis du ønsker den ultimative finish, så prøv vores Lapping Kit - Final Polish Gel!
HUSK at alt brug af dette kit sker på eget ansvar.
Du vil i de fleste tilfælde miste garantien på din køler eller CPU, hvis du sliber den.
Producents beskrivelse:
The premium kit contains one each of the following 1/4 sheets of sandpaper:
* 400
* 600
* 800
* 1000
* 40 micron (yellow)
* 25 micron (green)
* 20 micron (blue)
* 15 micron (peach)
* 10 micron (light green)
Detailed instructions are included as well.
The 400/600/800/1000 paper is an updated version of wet/dry sandpaper, though this paper is RED instead of black. The backing consists of anti-slip latex paper, and this paper is designed for less loading and long life. The abrasive is long lasting alumina.
The premium paper is literally some of the finest sandpaper that can be bought at any price. The abrasive is roller coated to the paper, resulting in a remarkably improved uniform distribution of the abrasive grit. This means that the depth of the scratches are smaller, without a resulting loss of efficiency and cutting power. The backing is a poly-composite that will not curl when wet and is thinner yet stronger than conventional paper backings.
Additionally, standard wet/dry sandpaper uses silicon carbide as the abrasive. SC has a blocky crystalline structure; as it wears, the grains are friable and fracture, exposing new cutting edges. This allows SC paper to have long life and a consistent "cut". The premium paper does NOT use silicon carbide; the abrasive grains instead do not fracture as easily but rather wear down in use. This feature means that the paper effectively changes the grit level and sands finer as you use it. The 10 micron paper is officially equivalent to about 1800 grit SC paper, but sands more like 2500-3000 grit paper.
The combination of an improved wet/dry paper for "roughing in" and the premium paper for final finishing allows mirror finishes to be obtained easier than with any other kit.
here for an Adobe PDF file of the instructions for the premium heat sink lapping kit.